Hospital staff and a patient

Promoting the continuum of care across hospitals, communities and private homes

Systematic Healthcare

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  • Pandemic Control
  • Technology
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customers across 6 countries

We promote the continuum of care

At Systematic, we strive to enable the complete continuum of care across the entire healthcare provision chain and centred around the citizen. We aspire to bring together hospitals, doctors, municipal care providers and citizens to form one patient journey.

Our solutions are developed to effectively support the workflows for caregivers, nurses, doctors, therapists, service staff and social workers across sectors and responsibilities. We secure interoperability throughout the caregiving process, allowing our users to focus on what is most important: Providing the best possible care.

Select customers

Helse Sor Ost 1000X1000 01Centraldenmarkregion EN Farve 1000X1000Northdenmarkregion EN Black 1000X1000Regionsoutherndenmark EN Farve 1000X1000Aarhuskommune Grå 1000X1000NHS SC Farve 1000X1000UMC Utrecht 1000X1000 01Karolinskauniversitetshospital Farve 1000X1000Aalborgkommune Farve 1000X1000Esbjergkommune Farve 1000X1000 01Sunshine Coast Farve 1000X1000Helsevest Farve 1000X1000
Vastagotaland Farve 1000X1000
Essote Farve 1000X1000
Københavnskommune Farve 1000X1000

Together we ensure higher quality of life

Systematics' Columna solutions support management, staff, citizens, patients, and relatives throughout the care pathway - whether it is in the hospital, at home, at the social services, in nursing homes, or in rehabilitation.

Built on the same platform, the solutions promote treatment, process, and data coherence across sectors, ensuring higher data quality, increased patient safety, and improved collaboration.

A new national application for COVID-19 contact tracing

Systematic has developed the national Danish contact tracing application. Columna Flow Pandemic Control ensures efficient contact tracing of all COVID-19 positives and their close contacts. Watch the video and download the flyer to learn more.

Woman talking about IT solution from Systematic